
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The treasure code


This activity is all about codes and how to decipher them. We learnt about four different codes and had some activity in this slide. I couldn't make a screencastify today because my brother was being very loud and you wouldn't be able to hear me speak but if you want to learn some of these codes check out the last slide.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Here I have created a video to watch on how I made my xylophone please watch and enjoy.

I have change the video and made a screencastify about it instead sorry for my sound it was not working so unfortunately there is none but I hope you will still be able to follow along.  click here to see my video

What you will need.





glass of water

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Summer haikui

For this activity I have created three haikus about this summer so far. I didn't have a picture for the first one so sorry about that but I hope that you will enjoy them anyways.

Which one doesn't belong


Can you figure out which one doesn't belong? For this activity we had to figure out on each slide which one doesn't belong then make one of our own. Have fun trying to figure out which one doesn't belong.

Summer learning journey


My Screencastify

Here I have made a screencastify about this activity make sure to look at my slide show to.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Summer learning journey

 For this activity we had to design our own kowhaiwhai and tell everyone what they mean.

What mine is about is the heart is the love that I share for my friends and family on the inside there is a simble that represents strength and some other designs in there I hope you like it.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Summer learning journey day 2


 Click on Click here to see my screencastify about this optical illusion activity.