
Friday, June 19, 2020

Star art

   Room 23 has been making star art. Here is mine. In the background, we had to write reasons why we are a star. In the end, we write I am a star because then our name. I enjoyed making these stars because we could make them however we wanted. Try this it is really easy and fun to do.

Reading week 10

 This is my DLO for this week. We had to recreate what we think the entrance of the hospital would look like. I did a pig running wild in the background cause one is bound to escape at some point. There are some showers in there since they have to take a shower to see the pigs. I hope you enjoy this image, I made it on google draw.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


We have been learning about haikus. We have made some for everybody to see. We did these in syllables 5 7 5. Here is mine. 


Trees were rustling

Water was extremely clear

Ripe berries on bush


Xmas time is fun

It’s the most wonderful time

There is lots of food     


The thunder was loud

The lightning thrashed around town

The clouds looked around


Have you ever seen gadgets on your blog but not known how to use them, well I put together a slide to show you some of them.

Kereru DLO

For our DLO we had to write down facts/information that we think is most important. This is what I have learned from the first two chapters.

Cam is a boy who has heart problems. He loves hanging out with Marlon and his other friends but wishes he could do what they could do. You see his heart makes it so he can’t do most things like swimming or holding his breath. He wishes he could have fun without worrying his heart will give way. Cam’s life is very difficult, his parents argue and he can’t help but think it’s his fault. Every Tuesday he says he is going to Marlin’s house when he is actually going to the pool. He doesn’t tell his parents because he knows they will freak out. But that dream will soon come to an end as his heart is getting worse.
